Earth Mama Organics
Do No Harm
The fierce and protective mother instinct is at the heart of Earth Mama Organics. We give you our solemn, hand-on-heart vow: we will go to the ends of the earth to make sure our customers are safe and unharmed. And just like motherhood, our work is never done: we endlessly rethink, reevaluate, research and reformulate. If there’s a safer way, we’ll find it.
Nature is Our Pharmacy
Grandmothers, mothers and daughters have known this since the beginning of time: medicine is abundant in nature and for every common discomfort, we believe there’s a plant to help. That ancient wisdom hasn’t changed — and herbal remedies still work today.
Education Empowers
All mothers are powered by love and em-powered by knowledge. Education is in our DNA. The more we all know, the better equipped we are to make choices that safely nourish our bodies and the environment.
Honor the Body’s Ingenuity
Our body can already breathe, beat its heart and grow babies with little to no effort on your part. It also has the ability to compensate for every day toxins. But like all systems, it can become overloaded and fail. So every ingredient in every Earth Mama product is consciously chosen to allow our bodies to work their innate magic.
Mamas Need One Another
We all have something in common: we want our children to be happy, healthy beings. We celebrate motherhood as the basis for community and support, because as it turns out … we’re in this together.
$6.29$3.77 SALE -
$6.29$3.77 SALE -
$6.29$3.77 SALE -
$9.99$5.99 SALE -
$5.99$3.59 SALE